Topic: Animals Level: 4/5/6/7 Grade
Warm-up: A set of procedures that will prepare your students for the main activity.
• Together with your students list on the blackboard:
• Animals living in the jungle / zoo / forest / pets.
• Tell your students they will play a game called Waxworks. They will dance or move to the music* and each
time it stops they have to freeze as an animal (according to your instructions.) ex:
• Animals in the jungle
• Animals in the forest
• Your favourite animal
Each time they freeze, go around your students asking them: What animal are you? What sound do you make? What do you eat? Are you fierce? (Elicit information from students so you can use it for your main activity)
Try this activity with your students and let us know how it worked, your comments and suggestions will be very much appreciated
• Describe the painting
• What can you see?
• What can you hear?
• What are they saying?
Try this activity and let us know how it worked, your comments and suggestions will be very much appreciated